What a great privilege it is to be able to work with such wonderful humans. The Just Be Nice Project is all about keeping people doing what they are good at. Enabling them to amplify the impact they are able to have alongside other people and organisations with specific skills and resources.
It all starts with Just Being Nice, but it doesn't end there, and on this Podcast the Design & Play team interview someone who I am privileged to work with. Summer Howarth is kicking serious goals supporting teachers Australia-wide with Education Changemakers I can't wait to be around the collective genius of Australia's teachers at the upcoming EduChange Conference in Melbourne. Summer talks about the great opportunities that lie withing empowering teachers, the exciting things that are coming up for EduChange, and the Just Be Nice Project even gets a mention. Check it out, and keep up to date with the great work these awesome humans are doing. Summer on Twitter: EduSum Design and Play Link and further info/Podcast Notes: Design & Play Podcast Link: Design & Play - Summer Howarth
One woman is killed every week from domestic violence.
From 2005 - 2012 20 people we killed from coward punches in Australia and there were 176 reported incidents of coward punching. 1 in 3 women over the age of 15 has experienced physical violence in Australia. These aren't terror attacks, but Andrew Bolt has decided to hero his own punching and kicking prowess in response to having glitter thrown on him, while making pariahs of an entire faith based on the actions of a few sick individuals. I couldn't not respond to such an out of touch, insincere, rabble rousing, inconsistent, embarrassing and inappropriate article. This kind of rhetoric points peoples frustration in all the wrong directions, encourages all the wrong behaviours and solves nothing. Andrew Bolt. You need a serious reality check. www.ourwatch.org.au/Understanding-Violence/Facts-and-figures opck.qhvsg.org.au/resources/
This week I took a couple of hundred staff members at Sensis, from the CEO to the sales teams, through training to improve the quality of their conversations. Working with the great team at RUOK Day whose mission is to improve connections and conversations across the community.
I was dealing with the second step of the 4-step process to looking after people who are having a rough time. Ask – Listen – Encourage Action – Check In. Listening seems to be a pretty intuitive thing to do, especially after asking if someone is ok. Listening without judgement can be a little bit more difficult. I believe that we have issues with judging problems from two sides. Often the things which cause distress to people are embarrassing, shocking, unusual, socially unacceptable or difficult to talk about. These circumstances can sometimes be hard to hear without passing some kind of judgement. “I wet myself on the weekend at the club.” “What on earth did you do that for you idiot?” The immediate judgement statement is likely to prevent me from continuing my conversation about what upset me in the first place. It is ok to be shocked, its ok to be confronted by something that you haven’t really got any experience with, but we need to temper that shock and try not to pass judgement right away. “I wet myself on the weekend at the club.” “Oh my goodness! I can’t imagine what that’s like, and I wasn’t expecting that! Are you ok?” You can still be shocked, but by avoiding the judgement piece, you are encouraging the person you are speaking with to continue to tell their story and discuss how it affected them. Our preconceived notions of what it is ‘ok’ to talk about often prevent people from speaking about issues that are important or extremely upsetting to them. I bet you were shocked by my example earlier, and it is such an entry level embarrassment on the scheme of things, that I ask you to consider what else you might be unconsciously preventing people from talking about. Bodily functions, accidental stuff ups, things that happen when we are drunk, sources of shame etc. It is important that we open up lines of communication for those close to us, no matter what the issue is. Etiquette and timing aside, we should be doing our best to listen to problems of any kind without judgement. We don't need to have the answers, we simply need to be able to listen. The other end of the judgement scale is to judge issues that aren’t deemed serious enough. “How are you today?” “Arghhh terrible, I dropped my donut on the way into the building.” “Come on mate, Is that really a big deal? Don’t you know what is happening overseas?” Now, we all know someone who loves to make a mountain out of a molehill when it comes to complaining, however, our judgement on whether a problem is serious or not can prevent us from seeing when something really is wrong. Without judgement, the same conversation could go two ways: “How are you today? “Arghhhh terrible, I dropped my donut on the way into the building.” “That’s annoying! Are you ok?” “Yeah mate, it’s just a donut!” The problem wasn’t a serious one, and the colleague/friend/family member was just having a little morning complain, which is fine. Everyone agrees a dropped donut isn’t the end of the world. The conversation could also have gone a little differently though: “How are you today? “Arghhhh terrible, I dropped my donut on the way into the building.” “That’s annoying! Are you ok?” “Not really, it just feels like this is the millionth thing to go wrong this week.” The donut could simply be the straw that broke the camels back. Listening without judgement provides an opportunity to have the real issues come to the surface so they can be heard. The other valuable listening piece that is perhaps not spoken about enough, is to take a moment to understand what upset the person about the story they are telling. We get told to pay attention, summarise what people are saying and repeat back to them what they’ve said so that they know that we’ve heard them. Perhaps we share an anecdote of our own experiences to relate to them better. What we aren’t doing so well is working out why they were upset in the first place. “How are you today?” “I’m not amazing, my parents were up all night fighting.” “Your parents were fighting all night?” “Yeah” “Oh man, I know how that is, I used to hate when mum and dad would yell at each other, its pretty confronting.” What’s wrong with that? Summary, paying attention, relating to your friend. Its good right? Well, it isn’t terrible. But it could be better. “How are you today?” “I’m not amazing, my parents were up all night fighting.” “Your parents were fighting all night?” “Yeah” “What upset you the most about that? Are you ok?” “Yeah I’m fine, they fight all the time, it’s just how they are. I’m just tired because they kept me up all night.” In the first example, we assumed what upset them from our own experiences. Turns out, they weren’t upset by the fighting as much as the lack of sleep. If you take the time to work out why people are upset by particular circumstances, you can better help them through it. In this case, perhaps all that is needed is a double shot espresso. I take my hat off to the team at Sensis who came through with open minds to improve the way they look after each other, from the CEO all the way through. It’s great to see everyone getting behind a few simple things that can help them look after each other better. For more information on RUOK and the 4 steps to good conversations head to RUOK.ORG.AU There are valuable resources there regarding looking after your peers and what to do when people are in need of help you are unable to give. Check out the resources there. Keep listening, keep asking RUOK and as always, Just Be Nice. - Josh Reid Jones
My very talented and wonderful friend Tessa Mansfield-Hung visited a few times, shot some footage and we had some interviews over the last year and a half. I am humbled to have gotten back this piece.
"I've changed my definition of success from how much I can accumulate to how much I can do. As soon as your definition of success changes from you can get to what you can do for others, the meeting or the long time in the factory or these back-to-back meetings with non-profits doing stuff, it doesn't matter, it's helping people. When that's the definition of success, you're winning every day. Through the violence I experienced, I've found a fighting spirit that has allowed me to get on with things in a different way. To own that fight internally and use it externally to fight for opportunities for people who are unable to fight for themselves. I think boxing as an 11 year old was a big part of that process, turning violence into fighting spirit. Because when you love something, you fight for it. Not against it." Music by Delsinki Records and Brooke Taylor Because when you love something, you fight for it. Not against it.
Head over to check out Tessa Mansfield-Hung on Youtube and Vimeo
I cannot thank her enough for her wonderful work, friendship and massive heart. Turning hours of filming into a few minutes of interview I would find hard to edit myself. www.youtube.com/user/tessmansfieldh vimeo.com/tessamh
Purpose, Happiness and Impact.
Words that get thrown around a lot lacking clarity of definition. How can we attain things that we cannot define or describe? This VLOG looks at what a good impact looks like, and what we need to do if we are to improve the ways that we help others achieve an equality of opportunity.
What on earth is passive aggressive? Low key treating people like shit because you are upset at them in the hope that by you treating them like shit they will work out what is wrong and then apologise profusely so that you can continue to be grumpy at them regardless?
What a waste of everyone’s time. Being passive aggressive serves no one. You have to be miserable, or a bit of an asshole for a period of time (which surely you don’t want). Only to try and teach a lesson to someone that may or may not even realise. Try this. Be actually aggressive. Well not too aggressive, but if you have a grievance…. Air it. Immediately. Like an adult. Don’t let it fester and ruin good time for everyone. If it isn’t important enough to tell someone directly, it’s probably not important enough to be an asshole about for any period of time. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being upset with someone, or being annoyed, frustrated or even angry. But there is something wrong with half pretending you’re annoyed and half not pretending you’re annoyed so that someone else can attempt to work out your problem. If you just mention you’re upset about something, it can be discussed and dealt with on the spot! I’m not surprised that people love looking for reasons to be passive aggressive and grumpy, today in my news feed (of news, not the Facebook feed), every single headline was a negative spin on something. EVERY ONE! We are subconsciously being trained to look for things that are wrong in all the comments, media and discussions around us! Passive aggression, however, is a special kind of trick because it isn’t about anyone else except the person who is engaging in the behaviour. It is a selfish way of being mad. Who wouldn’t rather just have a family member, work colleague or friend tell you they are annoyed? Sure, being told you have annoyed someone can be confronting at first, but when compared to a day/week/month/year of strange passive aggressive, useless behaviour, it is a godsend. Airing grievances doesn’t mean they get solved, but at least when you bring them up like a grown up everyone knows why you are mad! Next time you are thinking about being passive aggressive, run it through a couple of filters.
You don’t have to like everyone, no one likes everyone! You don’t have to be happy all the time, or even accept that people will never annoy you. You simply have to let go of passive aggression and either be a grown up, or let it go. If its not that important, then its not that important. If the person consistently annoys you, either stop having anything to do with them, or (if you have to work with them) accept that they are annoying and work on the one thing you can change….YOUR attitude. Don’t waste your life carrying around baggage on behalf of people that don’t even notice you’re carrying it, don’t sweat the small stuff, and as always, Just Be Nice.
With a lifelong goal of improving equality of opportunity for people, it is important to also improve discussion and understanding around what opportunity actually looks like.
If you'd like to learn more about measuring difficulty from the starting line after watching. I have written about it here also: one-white-privilege-we-should-give-up-immediately.html Thanks for watching! Like, share, subscribe and as always, just be nice.
What a cracking way to get back into the swing of things after being away for a few weeks! Caught up with Ben Connelly today to drop off a care package from the RUOK Day team as he walks from Lake Eyre (The lowest point in Australia) to Mt Kosciusko (The highest point in Australia).Its a mammoth effort and he's a great guy. Check out his efforts on his webpage www.pittopeak.com
For more information on RUOK Day and how to have better conversations with your mates, check out www.ruok.org.au
Maybe the first ever video book review to be done at Niagra Falls! Who knows? Check it out here, subscribe to my YouTube channel, read some books, be nice to people! That's pretty much it! |
AuthorJosh Reid Jones - Founder of The Just Be Nice Project and Odin Sports Archives
June 2018